Madeleine Letherby
Hello, I’m Madeleine!
I have been passionate about investigating refugees and asylum seekers ever since I completed a module on migration during my undergraduate studies.
Having always felt welcome in Newcastle, this project is important to me to shed light on how refugees may not face the same reception. It has also been great to highlight some of the fantastic work local organisations do to help refugees try and integrate into society, whilst living in Britain.

Hello, I’m Haoying!
The United Kingdom is such an open and multicultural country, I used to believe everyone here was relatively equal until I got involved with this project. Ceaseless wars plague the world, which has
caused millions of people to leave their home. Fortunately, there are some
organisations that are happy to give a hand to refugees and help them to integrate into
British society. I hope this feature raises awareness of this vulnerable

Hello, I’m Zou Hang!
In the actual operation of this project, I encountered some difficulties in shooting and video editing. But these difficulties are solved by individual effort and teamwork.
This practical operation enabled me to gain experience in multimedia projects. At the same time, I hope people can learn more about the refugees living in Newcastle from this project.

Hello, I’m Wenshu!
As more than 4 million Syrian refugees have fled their homes for other countries, issues concerning refugees have become one of the most significant challenges.
I wonder how countries like Germany and the UK settle asylum seekers from conflict zones such as Syria and Sudan. I am primarily interested in how Newcastle can help refugees.

Hello, I’m Runxuan!
It is the first time I have participated in such a project about refugees. So I have also learned a lot of relevant information during the investigation.
We have done a lot of research and come through some difficulties, presenting the project in more multiple and objective ways; I think this is precisely what a journalist needs to do.
I hope our project can make people living in Newcastle have a better understanding of refugees.